Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bullying Prevention

Let's learn more about bullying prevention and radKIDS.

radKIDS is a personal empowerment safety education program for children. radKIDS teaches children using drilll based scenarious and dynamic simulation. Learning how to be assertive and respond appropiately in dangerous situations is a great self-esteem builder for children. Which in turn, is a great formula for fending off potiential bullies!

The 3 rules that all radKIDS know:
1. No one has the right to hurt me because I am special!
2. I don't have the right to hurt anyone else unless they try to hurt me and then I stop them!
3. If anyone tries to hurt me, trick me, or make me feel bad inside, it's not my fault--So I can tell!

radKIDS learn through a conversation drill that freinds don't hurt friends. Childrn learn that teasing and using words that hurt is not cool. During the "drill on the fly" or physical resistance skill building ,children practice blocking-running-telling. radKIDS revoulutionary bullying prevention program allows children to build their muscle memory by effectively training the brain how to respond to a bully attack. Through education, repition, and physical skill- blocking a bully attack, running away, and telling a trusted adult becomes second nature to a child. In addition, children completing the drill feel more confident in knowing they have a plan to follow (that will automatically kick in) if they should find themselves confronted with a real bully.

Let's review.
First, teach your children the three above radKIDS rules...remember these are life skills that will carry them to adulthood.

Second, talk openly to your children about bullies and make sure they know they can always come to you with a problem. Tell them even adults have to enlist others when a problem seems too big or makes you really upset.

Third, pracitce "what would you do scenarios" with your children and make sure they understand that "real" friends do not say mean or hurtful words. (remember during a "what would you do" scenario to most importantly listen to your children and their anwers. There are no right or wrong answers. If they do not repsond as your like, discuss, while encouraging them, a better plan.)

Lastly, ask your local school or community center to adopt a radKIDS curriculum or find out how you can start one of your own at or contact

Be aware and Stay Safe!

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